Title IX Lawyer in West Virginia

Under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, educational institutions that receive federal funding must protect students from sex-based discrimination, sexual abuse and harassment, and hostile environments. But without dedicated Title IX lawyers, getting what you deserve is challenging. If you believe your university has violated your Title IX rights through unlawful sex-based discrimination or unchecked abuse, contact the Title IX lawyers at Warner Law Offices for a free consultation.

Since 1972, Title IX has been a crucial federal law for protecting students’ equal rights. Any educational institution receiving federal funding is bound by Title IX to protect its students from sex-based discrimination. 

If you are a student who has faced sex-based discrimination at a college or other educational program, you need experienced and dedicated lawyers to fight for you. The Title IX lawyers at Warner Law Offices possess the expertise and experience needed to navigate the complex world of Title IX law. At Warner Law Offices, PLLC, we know how Title IX works. Our lawyers can help you through a Title IX report, investigation, or civil case. 

What Is Title IX?

Title IX refers to federal civil rights laws enacted as part of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX mandates that:

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

This means that no American educational institution that receives federal funding may discriminate against anyone based on sex. The prohibition includes discrimination in enrollment, academic programs, and athletics. 

Title IX applies to colleges, universities, elementary and secondary schools, and education and training programs. Title IX protects “everyone who interacts with a school from discrimination, including parents and guardians, students, employees, and applicants.” 

Why Is Title IX Important?

Sex discrimination and sexual violence prevent Americans from obtaining educational services they are entitled to receive. Unchecked sexual harassment, sexual assault, and other forms of sex-based violence create a hostile environment that keeps individuals from essential educational resources. 

Title IX is important because it protects students from unfair barriers to education. Under Title IX, educational institutions must protect students from sexual violence and hostile environments based on their sex. Title IX standardizes sex discrimination protections under federal law and provides legal avenues for pursuing cases. 

Before Title IX, individuals who faced sex discrimination or sexual harassment were left to the mercy of individual universities’ policies and weaker state or local laws. Under Title IX, you have a clear path for filing a complaint and pursuing compensation. 

Title IX requires all universities that receive federal funding to have clear and comprehensive policies against sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sex-based discrimination. These policies must include a designated Title IX coordinator and a clear procedure for filing a Title IX complaint.

Title IX Retaliation

Title IX protects you from retaliation if you exercise your Title IX rights. Students who raise Title IX concerns may face retaliation from faculty, administrators, or coaches in the form of failing grades, disqualification from sports teams, and suspension or expulsion from the institution. 

Experienced Title IX lawyers can protect you from this kind of unfair Title IX retaliation

infographic showing timeline of events for title ix investigations

How Are Title IX Investigations Carried Out?

Title IX investigations begin after you officially report sex discrimination or sexual violence to your school’s Title IX coordinator, who will record your information and allow you to file a formal complaint. 

If you choose this route, the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights will receive notification and investigate your school. Investigators may interview you directly. If you have accused another individual of sexual harassment or institutional retaliation, the Title IX investigators will likely interview them, too. 

There is no definitive timeline for the Title IX investigation process. On average, Title IX investigations last between 60-90 days. However, the investigation may last longer. Any individuals charged in your Title IX report have due process rights, and investigators must compile a clear body of evidence before determining a Title IX violation. 

If you are dissatisfied with the Title IX investigation’s result, you have the right to appeal. Generally, you have about 10 days following the investigation’s official conclusion to file your appeal to the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights. 

What Are the Consequences of Title IX Violations?

The main consequence of a proven Title IX violation is a loss of federal funding. The federal government provides billions of dollars to colleges, universities, and other educational institutions. Federal funding tied to Title IX compliance also encompasses federal student loans. If a university loses access to these funds, it will likely see a sharp decline in student enrollment. 

Official Title IX violations also create grounds for civil lawsuits against relevant institutions. Colleges and universities found liable for Title IX violations can face costly civil settlements and legal fees. 

Examples of Title IX Cases

Title IX violations occur in universities across the country. Notable cases include: 

  • Northwestern University is facing two major lawsuits by student-athletes and cheerleaders who allege it violated Title IX by failing to prevent hazing incidents involving physical assault, bullying, sexual abuse, and harassment. 
  • In 2023, Michigan State University settled a Title IX lawsuit brought by former members of the women’s swim and dive teams. The plaintiff alleged the school violated their Title IX rights by illegitimately suspending their respective teams in 2020. 
  • In 2017, West Virginia University paid $100,000 to settle a former student’s suit alleging the school violated her Title IX rights by mishandling her sexual assault case. 

How Can a Title IX Lawyer Help Me?

Many victims of Title IX violations have difficulties navigating the reporting and investigation processes alone. A school’s Title IX office may be less than helpful.

The experienced Title IX attorneys at Warner Law Offices will thoroughly evaluate and investigate your case. They will guide you through the reporting process, advocate for you against potentially hostile administrative staff, and work with federal investigators. Title IX lawyers also can assist you with potential appeals. If you decide to file a civil suit for a Title IX violation, an experienced Title IX lawyer will pursue the compensation you deserve. 

Why Hire Warner Law Offices

If you have suffered a Title IX violation at your school or educational institution, having the best attorneys can make all the difference. 

The Title IX lawyers at Warner Law Offices have years of experience fighting for West Virginians who have suffered sexual abuse and sexual harassment. We handle complex Title IX cases from schools in West Virginia and the surrounding areas, including major cases at West Virginia University. 

Warner Law Offices represents anyone with a Title IX case, including:

  • Student-athletes
  • Hazing victims
  • Sexual assault victims
  • Working parents
  • Nontraditional students

Don’t let sex discrimination or sexual abuse keep you from the education you deserve. If you believe you are the victim of a Title IX violation at your school, contact Warner Law Offices today for a free consultation. 

Meet Our Attorneys

Bobby Warner Esq.

Truman Griffith Esq.​

Andrew D. Byrd Esq.​

Nate Kuratomi Esq.

Nate Kuratomi Esq.

Thom Boggs Esq.

Thom Boggs Esq.

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Bobby has received many accolades throughout the years from both his peers in the legal community, as well as the media. The National Trial Lawyers association named Bobby a Top 100 Trial Lawyer and he has been selected as a Member of the Nation’s Top One Percent. Additionally, he has been named a Best Attorneys of America by Rue Ratings, which also named Warner Law Offices to its Best Law Firms of America.

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