Elder Abuse Attorney
in Charleston, WV

Abuse of nursing home residents is more common than anyone would like to believe. It is shocking to many people that abuse can occur in institutions that are designed to care for our loved ones when they are no longer able to care for themselves.

At Warner Law Offices, PLLC, our attorneys represent West Virginian victims of nursing home abuse. If you think that your loved one may be a victim of abuse or neglect, contact us today.

We Hold Negligent West Virginia Nursing Homes Accountable

Sadly, abusive people tend to exploit those who are least able to defend themselves. According to the American Medical Association, one in four older persons has experienced some form of abuse: Either physical, emotional, sexual, or financial. Many nursing home residents do not complain of abuse because they are ashamed or fearful. In the case of financial abuse, the resident might not even be aware that someone is taking advantage of them. It is often family members who are the first to notice that something is wrong.

Symptoms of abuse may include:

  • Changes in behavior — for example, an outgoing person may become withdrawn
  • Overmedication of your family member
  • Missing items from your family member’s room
  • Unexplained charges on credit cards or withdrawals from bank accounts
  • Unexplained bruises or injuries

Patients may suffer abuse from other residents or from staff members. If your loved one was abused due to negligent supervision in a nursing home, our award-winning lawyers in West Virginia will seek compensation for damages such as medical bills, and compensation for pain and suffering.

Contact Warner Law Offices, PLLC for a free consultation. Call us at 304-345-6789 or message us for experienced representation.

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Our Charleston Office
Charleston, WV Office
227 Capitol Street
Charleston, WV 25301
Our Case Results
Recovered for Auto Accident Clients
Medical Negligence
Wrongful Death
Wrongful Death
Injured Worker
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Wrongful Death
Burn Injury
Sexual Abuse
Medical Malpractice
Attorney Bobby Warner
Content Legally Reviewed by:
Bobby Warner

Bobby has received many accolades throughout the years from both his peers in the legal community, as well as the media. The National Trial Lawyers association named Bobby a Top 100 Trial Lawyer and he has been selected as a Member of the Nation’s Top One Percent. Additionally, he has been named a Best Attorneys of America by Rue Ratings, which also named Warner Law Offices to its Best Law Firms of America.

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We represent clients across West Virginia and surrounding areas, providing compassionate client service and relentless advocacy in and out of the courtroom.

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